How To Make Courgette and Pineapple Jam

Homemade Jam Recipes

Ingredients: Courgette and Pineapple Jam Recipe

Photo of Courgettes2 lb / 1,000 grams of courgettes (alternatively you can use marrows instead)
1 large tin of pineapple rings, pieces or crushed pineapple
1 3/4 lb / 800 grams of white sugar (granulated)
2 lemons

Method - What To Do

Peel the courgettes (zucchinis) and chop into large pieces. Place these chunks into a food processor and blend to finely chop. If you have pineapple rings or pieces, chop these in the same way.

Photo of PineapplePlace your freshly chopped ingredients in a deep saucepan and combine with the juice of two lemons and the 800 grams of sugar. Turn the hob onto a low heat and slowly start to warm up the pan, stirring well so that the sugar completely dissolves before it begins to bubble.

As soon as the sugar has been fully incorporated, allow the jam to boil away quite strongly for 30 minutes, stirring during this boiling to prevent sticking or possible burning. It is most likely that you will have reached a setting point after this time, but it is important to check for this, so that you are not left with a runny jam.

Place a teaspoonful of the courgette and pineapple jam onto a saucer that has come from a fridge, so it is nice and cold. After a minute, tilt the saucer to a steep angle and see if the jam runs, or if it has started setting. Next, run a fingertip across the jam, to check if it is jelling and forming a skin, shown by a wrinkling as you drag your finger through. If it fails both of these tests, you will need to boil for a little longer and then test again.

Finally, allow your jam to cool for a few minutes before transferring into sterile jars, with a large spoon or ladle, and perhaps a wide funnel. If there is a scum on the surface of the jam, skim this off before bottling into jars, or mix in a knob of unsalted butter to make the scum disperse naturally.

Courgette and Pineapple Jam Recipe - More Jam Recipes.