How To Make Rhubarb and Fig Jam

Homemade Jam Recipes

Ingredients: Rhubarb and Fig Jam Recipe

Photo of Rhubarb2 lb / 1,000 grams of fresh rhubarb (never use the leaves)
1/2 lb / 250 grams of fresh figs (use dried figs if necessary)
1 1/2 lb / 750 grams of white granulated sugar
3 lemons
8 fl oz / 250 ml of tap water
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder (one one cinnamon stick)

Method - What To Do

Wash and chop all of the rhubarb stems, along with the fresh figs, and place this fruit into a big pan. Add the grated rind and juice of all three lemons, as well as the weighed out sugar, the cinnamon powder and the water.

Photo of FigsStir all of the ingredients together and place the pan on a low heat. Keep stirring until the sugar has dissolved and then turn up the heat so that the mixture begins to reach boiling point. Stir only to stop the mixture catching on the base of the pan, trying not to break up the fruit pieces as they soften and start to become more pulpy.

Allow the rhubarb and fig jam to simmer for roughly 30 minutes and when you think that a good setting point has arrived, test the jam by placing some onto a chilled saucer. After a minute, if it has become thick and jelly like, with a skin forming, then it has cooked long enough. Otherwise, return the pan to a simmer and test once more in a few minutes.

When your jam is ready to set, take the pan off the hob and leave to cool down for a few minutes. If there is any scum that is sitting on the surface, this should be scooped off at this stage. Transfer the mixture to glass jars (these must be sterile), topping with wax discs and tightly screwed on jam jar lids.

Rhubarb and Fig Jam Recipe - More Jam Recipes.